
If we don't book calls, we will work for free until we do.

Book More Qualified Sales Calls With Our High-Converting Cold Email System

We send 100,000+ cold emails per month for B2B Companies of all sizes. If we are unable to get calls booked, then we will keep testing until we do.


List Building


Lead List

Lead lists are the base of your cold email campaigns. If your list isn't targeted, you inevitably will get bad results. This is because there is no personlization whatsoever. We will help you build a targeted lead list that directly matches your Ideal Client Profile. Our team will scrape this list for you and make sure they are 100% verified, ready for outreach.

Here's what you need to know

When constructing a cold email system, there are three main things that will yield about 80% of the results. You can think of these as the "80/20 Rule" applied to cold email

Email Deliverability

Email deliverability is the most important part of your cold email campaigns. If you're not landing in the inbox, no one is going to read your email. We will ensure that your email deliverability is 100% on point, following the best practices to never land in spam.

Lead List

Lead lists are the base of your cold email campaigns. If your list isn't targeted, you inevitably will get bad results. This is because there is no personlization whatsoever. We will help you build a targeted lead list that directly matches your Ideal Client Profile. Our team will scrape this list for you and make sure they are 100% verified, ready for outreach.

Lead List

Lead lists are the base of your cold email campaigns. If your list isn't targeted, you inevitably will get bad results. This is because there is no personlization whatsoever. We will help you build a targeted lead list that directly matches your Ideal Client Profile. Our team will scrape this list for you and make sure they are 100% verified, ready for outreach.

Your Offer

Assuming you have all the infrastructure correct, the next most important thing about cold email is your offer. The script and lead list doesn't matter if your offer sucks. By extension, everything else in the funnel will not matter. We will help you create a no-brainer offer that can be sold on cold email. Your prospects receiving this offer will feel stupid saying "no", leading to more leads.

The Conquered Leads Funnel

It is not a coincidence that the funnel we build for the clients of Conquered Lead solves a lot of cold email problems. In fact, it is the opposite. It is specifically designed to do so. We will help you put it all together.

Lead List

Lead lists are the base of your cold email campaigns. If your list isn't targeted, you inevitably will get bad results. This is because there is no personlization whatsoever. We will help you build a targeted lead list that directly matches your Ideal Client Profile. Our team will scrape this list for you and make sure they are 100% verified, ready for outreach.

About Our Cold Email System

When working with us, these six things will be areas of focus.


Customised Campaigns

Every business is unique. We tailor our cold email campaigns to resonate with your specific target audience, ensuring higher engagement and conversion rates.


Cost-Effective Lead Generation

Avoid the high costs and low ROI of traditional advertising. With our cold email strategies, you get more value for your investment.


Direct Access to Decision-Makers

Our targeted approach ensures your messages reach the key players in businesses, bypassing gatekeepers and generic inboxes.


Time Savings

With Conquered Leads handling your cold email outreach, your team can focus on other core business activities, maximizing productivity.


Transparent Reporting

Stay informed with regular performance reports. Understand your campaign's success metrics, areas of improvement, and the ROI achieved.


Continuous Optimization

The digital landscape is ever-evolving. We continuously monitor, test, and refine our strategies to ensure your campaigns remain effective and relevant.

Cold Email Masterclass

Here are free videos going over everything you need to know about cold email and how to successfully generate leads for your B2B service company. You won't need to pay for any courses or search anywhere else. This is it.


List Building

Offer Creation

Script Framework

Domain Setup


Conquered Leads Client Results

Watch and read some results from happy clients who have worked with Conquered Leads

How Colin Signed A $9,000 Deal in 1 Month From Cold Email

Colin talks about how he was able to sign a $1,500/month retainer client for a minimum of 6 months in his first month working with us.

How Jay Signed 4 High Ticket Clients With Cold Email In 90 Days

Jay talks about how he was able to sign 4 high ticket clients for a in just a couple of months working with us.

How Joey Added $6k MRR in 4 Months With Cold Email

Joey talks about how we were able to save him more time in his day as well as adding $6k/month in retainers.

How I Went From 0 - 8 Paying Clients In Under 30 Days

I talk about how I signed 8 clients in less than a month starting a new marketing agency practicing what I preach through cold email.

We Handle Everything

We take care of the entire development process, allowing you to spend more time focusing on important tasks.

Here's the three step process to begin working with us


Initial Consultation

The entire process starts with a call where we can get together to determine what you need. Once we agree and our invoice is paid, then we will begin.


We Get To Work

Our team will analyze the information from the call and design a customized cold email strategy, complete with a targeted list and compelling scripts.


Review + Revisions

We launch your campaigns with all the backend systems, and monitor their performance closely for continued optimisation and maximum ROI.

Book a Call With Matteo

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