Cold Email Is The #1 Lead Gen Method In The World...If

The Cold Email is the best business lead generation method in the world, but only if you are in the Top 0.1%.

If not, then it is rather shitty. No one, including me, is going to deny that.

The reason that it is the best lead generation method in the world (assuming you are in the top 0.1%) is because:

1. Cold email allows for a direct line of communication with your target audience.

2. Compared to traditional advertising or outbound marketing strategies, cold email is remarkably cost-effective.

3. Cold Email allows for continuous optimization and scaling, making it easier to adjust your strategy based on what works best due to metrics

4. Cold email campaigns can be launched quickly and reach a large number of potential leads in a short period.

Let's Prove That This Is True

When doing marketing and lead generation, there are so many ways for your ideal clients to avoid you (except cold email).

Let's take a look at other lead generation methods:

1. If you post on social media or run social media ads but your ideal clients aren't on there, you can't reach them.

2. If you run Google ads or SEO, and your ideal client has an ad blocker, you can't reach them.

3. If you cold call businesses but they have a highly trained gatekeeper, you can't reach them.

If You Are Already In The Outbound Space, Never Doubt Your Decision

If you are currently operating an outbound system, or looking to start one, do not fear.

You are in the right space.

If it doesn't feel like it, that is because you are not doing the right things.

The good news is that you can quickly get a high-converting cold email system.

The Three Things That Determine Your Cold Email Success

The three main things that will determine your success are:

1. Email Deliverability

2. Lead List

3. Your Offer

One of these will always be the constraint. Once you figure it out and remove the constraint, you will experience the next period of growth in your business.

Then, you will hit another constraint.

Then, you will solve it.

Then you will grow even more.

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

It doesn't take much, before you will find yourself in the Top 0.1% of cold emailers, and then you will understand everything I am talking about here.

For most people, they are the problem. They cannot focus. They do not have a plan. They lack the skills. The lack the work ethic.

For others, their social proof is the problem. They simply don't have enough online presence.

For the rest, their funnel is the problem. They do not have a predictable and scalable way to get leads.

Conquered leads Leads addresses all three of these problems. You will become better. You will build a more social proof. You will build a complete lead generation funnel.

Lead List

Lead lists are the base of your cold email campaigns. If your list isn't targeted, you inevitably will get bad results. This is because there is no personlization whatsoever. We will help you build a targeted lead list that directly matches your Ideal Client Profile. Our team will scrape this list for you and make sure they are 100% verified, ready for outreach.

5-10 Sales Calls Per Month or More In Qualified Leads

(While Launching Within 14 Days)

The purpose of Conquered Leads is very simple.

It is to help you build a high-converting cold email system that will generate 5-10 qualified sales calls per month, not random bookings on your calendar.

1. Help you ensure email deliverability is 100% on point, following the best practices to never land in spam.

2. Help you build a targeted lead list that directly matches your Ideal Client Profile.

3. Help you create a no-brainer offer that can be sold on cold email.

4. Give you the infrastructure to send 500+ cold emails per day profitably with top 0.1% outreach scripts.

5. Give you real-time feedback and teach you how to test new scripts, how to build new lists and advise you how to respond so you can run the system swiftly without us

The Short Game & The Long Game

The ultimate goal is to build a high-converting cold email system that will generate 5-10 qualified sales calls per month, but what about the short term?

The first 30 days of Conquered Leads are focused on getting you set up properly.

1. Buy 10 domains (we don't want to use our main domain because it might get burned

2. Buy two email address per domain (each email sends about 50 cold emails per day)

3. Set up DMARC, DKIM & SPF Records (four records per domain, takes a few hours to setup)

4. Turn on SMTP for each email address (just a setting that needs to be turned on for it to work)

5. Add all emails to Smartlead.ai (sending tool) and begin warming.

6. We will build you a list of people from your target market.

7. We will make sure all the leads in this list are "clean" or "verified" so you aren't emailing "dead" email addresses that will hurt your deliverability and make you land in junk/spam.

8. We will write your scripts for you.

9. We will set up a Slack Notification that notifies you every time you get a reply.

10. We will ensure that we use every required practice to be compliant with CAN-SPAM laws.

Implementing the Conquered Leads High-Converting Cold Email System is a long-term plan, but you will have the setup ready within 14 days.

When You Don't Have The Right Systems, It Is Like Running On A Treadmill

If you had the right infrastructure, lead list, offer and funnel, you would already be in the Top 0.1% and would have no need for this. But, you don't, right? You are on this page for a reason.

Unless you have the infrastructure, lead list, offer and funnel, operating your lead generation system is like running a treadmill. You will be working very hard, but you will not be going anywhere.

This is a very discouraging feeling that every business owner who has tried to generate leads before has experienced at some point.

If You Were Capable of Generating 5-10 Sales Calls Per Month, You Would've Already Done So

This is a very important thing for all of us to accept.

If we were capable of achieving our goals, we would've already done so. But, we are not, so we haven't.

The moment we accept this fact is the moment we begin on the path to making real change.

The Situation For The Average Person Trying Cold Email

Here is a description of the average person trying cold email:

1. Not enough leads in their ecosystem. Don't know where the next client will come from.

2. Almost all clients come from referrals. This is a good sign but it is out of our control and we cannot scale a business like that.

3. High competition in saturated markets. Business owners are tired of getting burnt by underdelivered services and it is difficult to stand out.

4. Difficulty in reaching ideal clients. Not getting any positive replies or meetings, or not doing cold email altogether.

5. Can't consistently land in the inbox. Emails land in the spam folder are on every blacklist ever.

6. Can't scrape a targeted lead list for cheap. Lead lists are expensive, do not reflect ideal clients and a large chunk of the emails don't even exist.

7. The offer is not a no-brainer and can't be sold in cold email. All of their competitors offer the same thing over cold email which may work for a warm lead but not for cold leads.

8. The infrastructure can't send 500+ cold emails per day sustainably. Not getting any positive replies or meetings, or not doing cold email altogether.

9. Don't even know how to respond to leads and set them on appointments. It's cool and all if you get positive replies but there's no point of getting them if you aren't converting them into qualified sales calls.

10. Non-cold email related gains are not optimized. No case studies, no video testimonials, bad website, no VSL, no social media presence, no content, bad SEO, no pre-call flow, no sales process, no follow-up system.

If You Aren't Growing, It Is Because You Do Not Deserve To Grow

This is one of the most important things to get through a person's mind.

"My business is not growing."

"Well, do you have a lead gen funnel?"


"Do you have the right infrastructure to send 500+ cold emails per day?


"Do you have a targeted lead list?"


"Do you have a no-brainer offer that can be sold on cold email"


"Can you land consistently on the inbox?"


"Do you know how to respond?


"Do you have an employee training system?


"Do you have a cold email system?"

"Yeah, but it is not very good."

"How many clients have you signed?"

"No idea, never tracked it. Probably none."

"Do you even have sales calls on your calendar?"

"No, all my clients come from referrals and are pre-sold?"

It is not hard to see why the average B2B company doesn't succeed.

Why not just do it yourself?

It is possible to build out this system just by following Matteo's YouTube videos, but it will take years of trial and error, refinement, and probably cost you tens of thousands of dollars.

Why would you want to do that instead of doing it in four months for a fraction of the price?

If you’re going to do it, it would be illogical to make it take 10x as long and cost 10x as much.

Why not hire someone to do it for you?

To build this out, it takes time, the correct expertise and high standards.

There is almost no situation where you can hire someone who has all three.

It is simply not possible to get someone to do this for you completely. That is why it is a done-for-you setup + done-with-you service. Not because we don’t want to do it for you, but because it is better for you long-term to own the system.

Trying to get someone to do it for you is a symptom of improper thinking and a lack of responsibility.

Everything good has a cost in life, and if you want it, you will have to pay the price.

Why not use a different service?

If you’ve read up to this point, you can probably tell that this is the right choice.

There is no other service provider that is as transparent as us when it comes to generating 5-10+ qualified sales calls per month. on your calendar. None of the other have gone out of their way to have as big of a social presence as I have.

To get cold email to work, you will need the following things:

- Proven cold-email infrastructure

- Targeted Lead List

- No-brainer cold email offer

- How to run the system

Conquered Leads addresses all four and, gives you the full setup, exact plans, steps and frameworks to follow to achieve all.

The results you can expect

There are 10 core results if you choose Conquered Leads, each worth the price of admission on their own.

You will get everything you need to go from where you are now to 5-10+ qualified sales calls booked per month on your calendar.

1. You will have a real lead generation funnel that converts cold traffic which means you will never have to rely on referral ever again.

2. You will have a cold email system that actually works which means you will have a way to get a lot of customers for cheap.

3. You will have a bulletproof infrastructure that sends 500+ cold emails per day scaling the right way

4. You will land in the inbox 99.7% of the time rather than the spam folder and avoid getting on blacklists have high email reputation so you're emails get opened.

5. You will scrape targeted lead lists for cheap without spending crazy amounts of money and never running out of leads to reach to ever again.

6. You will have a no-brainer offer that can actually be sold on cold email rather than these weird offers that work for other channels and not cold email.

7. You will learn how to write cold outreach scripts that convert instead of these weird, salesy, saturated techniques

8. You will learn how to respond to leads and set them on appointments so they know what you offer and show up to the call.

9. You will optimize non-cold email related gains which includes having case studies, video testimonials, an optimized website, a VSL, a social media presence, quality content, good SEO, a pre-call flow, a sales process, and a follow-up system.

10. You will learn how to run the system swiftly without me since you own the system and is a revenue generating asset for your company.

The risks of Conquered Leads

The risks and downsides of choosing Conquered Leads are nothing in comparison to the risks of doing nothing at all.

- Installing the cold email system in your business takes a bit of time and effort, but it will work better than any other lead generation method you’ve ever tried in your life.

- Managing the cold email system takes focus, consistency and a strong work ethic, but that means your competitors won’t want to build it for themselves.

- Installing the cold email system in your business will get you tons of clients and delivering results for all of those clients can be stressful, but this is a better problem than not signing any clients at all.

- Installing the cold email system for your business will get you more clients that you need to hire and train new employees which can be time consuming and challenging on its own, but again this is a better problem than not signing any clients at all.

- Once you have built the cold email system for your business, you will need to operate and manage it which can take time, attention and effort, but we will give you pre-made trainings to cover all of the operations of the system so your employees can learn what to do and handle it without you having to bend over backwards training them yourself.

The cost of Conquered Leads (400x ROI Potential)

Conquered Leads is a one-time payment of $1,500 USD for a done-for-you setup + 60 days of consulting. This averages out to just $25 per day.

Is it worth it to pay just $25 per day to receive a done-for-you setup, all of the plans, feedback, offers and systems to book 5-10 qualified sales calls per month?

That is for you to decide.

Compare the cost to the potential reward when you succeed with the Conquered Leads cold email system. These numbers are based on survey results with our clients:

1. Building The Infrastructure ($9,997 Value)

2. Avoiding The Spam/Junk Folder ($1,497 Value)

3. Being Compliant ($497 Value)

4. Writing Scripts ($19,997 Value)

5. Building Lead Lists ($7,497 Value)

6. Inbox Management ($4,997 Value)

7. Appointment Setting ($4,497 Value)

8. Creating An Offer ($11,997 Value)

9. Long-Term Nurturing ($2,497 Value)

10. Creating Content Frameworks ($3,397 Value)

11. Building Case Studies ($3,997 Value)

12. CRM Management ($1,997 Value)

= $72,864 in total value

How long will this take?

In 95% of cases, this service takes 60 days from start to completion.

The first 30 days are all about setting up and warming up your emails.

Days 31-60 are all about creating and fine-tuning your script to get people to respond and book calls.

- You are meant to manage it from 9am-5pm in your timezone so you can respond to leads quickly since you should be aiming to reply in <5 minutes

- You send cold emails from Monday to Friday, giving you the weekends off since no one checks their emails during weekends.


If you choose Conquered Leads, here is what you'll get...

1. Building The Infrastructure ($9,997 Value)

The infrastructure allows you to send 500+ cold emails per day sustainably.

I used this same infrastructure to go from 0 - 8 clients in my first month launching a brand new B2B Business.

This means that I was able to send 10,000 cold emails in that month which gave me $10,000 in up front cash ($1,250 x 8 = 10,000)

2. Avoiding The Spam/Junk Folder ($1,497+ Value)

Landing in the inbox is a skill in itself because no one will open your emails if they land in the spam/junk folder.

Had someone reach out to us from our cold email community who was getting 10-15% open rates and by just implementing a few changes they were getting consistent 55-70% open rates.

This means that they were able to quadruple their calls booked which resulted in an additional $1,500 in revenue in just a few days

3. Being Compliant ($497+ Value)

Cold email is legal... if you do it right so you want to make sure you are compliant with the CAN-SPAM laws and GDPR.

A B2B Saas company reached out saying that they were threatened to a $500 fine for not being compliant. We consulted them by showing how to get around these laws and still scale profitably with cold email.

This means that they saved $500 from not having to pay that fine.

4. Writing Scripts ($19,997+ Value)

The script is what gets people to respond (or not). We were working with an SEO agency who was doing outreach to local businesses for nothing. They were getting zero meetings or results, leading to a lot of wasted time.

We re-worked their scripts and his calendar was flooded with 5-15 calls per week, literally overnight.

This means that if his price point is $2,500/month and the average client stays for 12 months, and just 20% of these calls lead to a client, just 1 of these calls are worth $6,000 each ($2,500 × 12 × 0.1)

5. Building Lead Lists ($7,497+ Value)

We have processes to create lists that are higher quality and not as “spray and pray” such as exporting from Apollo.

We had a client in May 2024 who was doing cold email with a generic list, then we immediately changed their list to one of ours, and they went from signing 1-2 clients per month to signing 4-5 clients.

This means that he had a total increase of $7,500/mo, just by switching the list.

6. Inbox Management ($4,997+ Value)

We will deliver a step by step setup process on how to respond to leads who reply to your cold emails.

We had a web development agency client who was replying to their cold email responses in 3 hours, and we set up a complex automation system that notifies them every time a response comes in which allowed them to reply in less than 5 minutes to every response.

This means that we made them sign an extra 2-4 clients leading to an extra $5k/month for just this one shift.

7. Appointment Setting ($4,497+ Value)

We will give you access to our library of frameworks and examples to help train you to respond in a way that gets you the highest chance of scheduling meetings.

Our average client has a deal size of $5,000, and gets 5 meetings per month. Our frameworks have helped our clients get 100% more meetings than what they were using before coming to us, meaning they would get 10 meetings.

This means that if they close one in five, that’s an extra client ($5,000) per month, just from these frameworks.

8. Creating An Offer ($11,997+ Value)

The offer is the highest leverage point in a cold email system.

A recent client was doing cold email before, implemented our no-brainer cold email offer, and immediately went from signing 2 clients per month to 6 clients per month with the exact same volume.

Each was worth on average $2,500/month.

This means that this new offer helped him make $12,000 extra per month.

9. Long-Term Nurturing ($2,497+ Value)

The average company has a goldmine sitting in their CRM.

A client came to us with 800 amount of contacts, copy and pasted our re-engagement sequence, and got over 141 interested leads. If they close 20%, that is 28 clients. Each has an average value of $14,500.

This means that there is a potential of $408,900 in pipeline value just from this sequence.

10. Creating Content Frameworks ($3,397+ Value)

The best thing you can do in your cold emails is to have an online presence.

A video production agency reached out to us and wondered why their cold emails weren't working since their offer, lists, scripts, appointment setting was good but we realized they had no assets to leverage.

We sent them our content frameworks (website, video sales letter, lead magnet, video training, social media profile, youtube strategy).

This means that they immediately doubled their positive reply rates and signed from 1 client to 2 clients which attributed to an extra $3,400/month to their business.

11. Building Case Studies ($3,997+ Value)

Leveraging social proof is crucial for cold email.

A client came to us (from our own case studies funnily enough) and asked how they could do the same for their agency since they had results but no testimonials.

We gave them all the frameworks and templates based on the results they were able to get for their clients, leveraged this on their cold email scripts and got them from booking 5-10 meetings to 10-20 meetings per month.

Their price point is $2,000 so if they close at 20%, each call they generate is worth $400.

This means that we were able to get them around 10 new meetings per month which is $4,000 in value

12. CRM Management ($1,997+ Value)

It's all well generating leads, but how you manage them in your CRM during these long sales cycles is crucial.

A dental marketing agency client of ours needed help managing leads in their current pipeline.

Their email and SMS sequences wasn't working and getting lots of negative feedback.

We gave them our battle tested framework that took us nearly 2 years to perfect, and they were able to book an extra 5 calls per month just by revamping their current CRM management system.

Each of their clients pay $2,000/month and stays for 10 months.

This means that if they close at 20%, each call is worth $2,000

Our Clients

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Client Wins